The QuikBOX® Cocktail Dispenser Kit gives you all you need to portably (and perfectly) pour your craft cocktails cold, while not diluting it with ice. The QuikBOX® was created specifically to pour large format cocktails, portably, using all 304 stainless steel components that come in contact with the cocktail.
Kit Includes:
- (1) 54QT Stainless steel belted cooler with (2) 50′ SS coils and shanks
- (2) Stainless steel self closing faucets with tap handles
- (2) 5′ Beverage lines with CM Becker ball lock disconnects
- (1) Dual gauge regulator assembly with (2) shutoff valves and (2) 5′ red gas lines with CM Becker ball lock disconnects
- (2) NEW 5 gallon Cornelius style kegs with Truly Vodka logo
- (2) QuikTap® Keg Coolers – 5 gallon size
- (1) Cocktail on Draft Maintenance Kit